26 Jun Victory Outreach Oxnard Reaches 4000 Each Weekend
Written by Jose Rodriquez
We are an inner city ministry focused on reaching families and individuals that have fallen to a life of drug addiction. We are currently a 700+ membership church in a mobile building. We’re currently looking to locate a more permanent building to accommodate 1500.
I was reached from the ministry of this church. Life from a very young age was influenced by the streets. I was raised to be part of gang and the gang-lifestlyle. I’m now 42 and have been part of this ministry for well over a decade. My wife and our five girls passionately serve in our church.
How We Started Streaming
I’m currently the Director to our Media Team. I started with no experience. I didn’t even own a computer. I joined the group of one or two people showing power point templates for worship lyrics and sermon outlines. At that time we used one camera for archive purposes. Since then we have evolved with a team of 20 men and women with various skills and abilities.
The opportunity for streaming our services came about the same time our team was growing. We wanted to add live streaming to our church to reach outside the walls of our church. Living in a social media driven society has made this possible and relevant for our church today. It has also helped financially as it gives people an opportunity to click on links and support from outside resources.
Why Streaming Matters
In my opinion, the challenge for churches to stream quality content lies solely on the budget of the church. That was and sometimes is the challenge for us today. We now currently celebrate about 4000 viewers on a weekend.
Now young people who are driven by technology have opportunity for church involvement. People vacationing don’t have to miss a week. And for us, military families relocating are able to stay connected to us after they have moved. Our church has grown since we started streaming to the world!
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Share Your Streaming Story
This summer we are enlisting 100 churches in 100 days to share your streaming story. Share your story with us and we’ll share it with the world. We’ll even pay you. Learn More.