16 Jul The Padcaster Meets MediaFusion
What goes well together? Take a quick quiz:
- Peas and __________
- Salt and _________
- Chutes and _________
- _________ and crumpets
- Thunder and ___________
How did you do? Pretty easy, eh? Some things just go well together.
Watch the Interview
Innovation Before Our Eyes
Ten years ago, Apple attracted more haters than today. People complained that Apple’s technology integrations were too tight. They said Apple wasn’t open and didn’t allow enough people to play in and develop its space. Apple decided it was going to create the perfect marriage between hardware and software. Many people thought Apple was too cool for school and couldn’t do both well.
Oh, wait a minute. Did I disrupt you? Do you need to check that text or email on your iPhone? We all thought hardware and software couldn’t be integrated well. Then we saw the iPhone. Amazon did the same thing later by introducing the Kindle. It took awhile to catch on, but now people spend more money on Amazon through apps and Amazon devices than ever. The key for both Apple and Amazon was to make the technology easy to use and easy to buy.
A Perfect Partnership
This month we’re taking our inspiration from these ideas of hardware and software integrations and bringing awareness to a great partnership with the Padcaster, which is really a functional piece of art. At MediaFusion, we see this partnership in a way similar to how Apple and Amazon saw their integrations: Make great software. Integrate it with amazing hardware. Make it easy to sell and easy to use.