25 Nov Teaming Up With Max Lucado
When Ebola and Isis fill news headlines and Twitter feeds, how do you react? When global crisis is high, what do you do? Some of us may turn to greasy food or a round of golf for a little comfort. Others may let hopelessness sit beside them on the couch while hanging onto every CNN news report for answers. But what if we started looking up for comfort, invited hope to sit next to us, and went to our knees for answers, instead of CNN?
An Idea
Best-selling author and world-renown pastor, Max Lucado, paired up with our Media Fusion team so that he could broadcast a simple yet powerful message: PRAY FIRST.
“Anxiety doesn’t lead us into a place of peace. People of panic make poor decisions. This is a time in which all of us need to call our hearts together and pray.”
And hearts did come together. Prayers from Brazil, Ghana, Sweden and more flooded Facebook and took over Twitter with the hashtag – #prayfirst.
What Happened
Almost 30,000 people from all over the globe came together to pray during the live-stream event. And it only took three days to do it. Lucado first had the idea to broadcast a prayer event on a Thursday, and the following Monday we were going live.
“Media Fusion took the lead on the production and covered all the bases with skill & efficiency,” Cheryl Green (Lucado team).
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