30 Jan The Future of Wedding Videography
As a live streaming company, you may not think we work much within the wedding industry.
You’re wrong.
While historically wedding videographers have been slow adapters to the idea of offering live stream to their clients, we’re beginning to see that change. We believe in the next few years, live streaming your wedding will be the norm, and we hope wedding videographers are getting on board with this reality, so they’re not left out in the future.
Here are some reasons we think wedding videographers should offer streaming in their list of services:
It Will Solve Your Clients’ Problems
What are the main issues a couple has to deal with when planning a wedding? The budget and the guest list. If a couple can live stream their wedding, guess what? They can invite however many people they want to tune in to their big day without busting their budget. Who needs to spring for the bigger venue when their guests can watch the wedding from the comfort of their own living room?
It Will Make You A Priority Among Other Vendors
Because of the reason above, if you offer live streaming to your clients, you will be a main priority in the long list of wedding vendors a bride has to think about.
We know videographers are often not prioritized over photographers. We think this is sad, but it’s just the reality. People know they need photos and blow their budget on a photographer, leaving no more cash for videographers.
If you’re the solution to the bride’s guest list and budget concerns, you get looped into the planning process from the beginning, rather than being an afterthought at the end.
It Will Help You Stand Out Among Other Videographers
As the wedding industry continues to be one of the most stable industries out there, your competition continues to grow. There are countless wedding videographers in each major city, why should a couple choose you?
If you can offer live stream as a service to potential clients—something not many wedding videographers offer yet—you will have an edge on your competition.
We have a lot more to say about wedding videography and streaming and your future. So much in fact, that we wrote an ebook about it. You can download a free copy here: The Future of Wedding Videography: Why you should consider adding streaming as a service
And as always, we are here to answer any of your questions about live streaming. Call or email us today!